Long Labia Lesbians

This is a beautifully shot labia worship scene with Tijo just diggin out Faye’s deep hole, as she spreads her wings to get her tongue in, just a little farther.  Long Labia Lesbians at it’s finest.  And we look forward to continuing to bring you some of the best long labia lesbian porn out there.



[sppmemberplayer sppmp_mp4_video=”http://longlabiababes.com/trailers/faye-tijo.mp4″ sppmp_shwidth=”900″ sppmp_shheight=”506″ sppmp_shselectskin=”functional” sppmp_showfullscreen=”true” sppmp_progresscolor=”#4496cf” sppmp_buffercolor=”#bcbcbc” sppmp_shsutoplay=”true” sppmp_vimctrlcolor=”#00adef”]
Long Labia Lesbians
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huge labia lesbian worship